How to use Fix Analytics on your DanDomain webshop

Here you will find a step-by-step guide on how to use Fix Analytics on your DanDomain webshop.

Step 0: Buy a subscription for Fix Analytics

You need to buy a subscription for your domain before you can use Fix Analytics. When you have a subscription you can continue following this guide.

Step 1: Which version of the DanDomain Webshop do you use?

DanDomain Webshop Guide

Step 1a: Log in and go to 'Apps'

Log in on your DanDomain Webshop and click 'Apps' in the menu on the left.

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Step 2a: Find the app 'Google Analytics' and click 'Settings'

You might need to search around to find the link in the list.

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Step 3a: Add the new settings

Click 'Use proxy / transport url for Google Analytics' to show the field where you write ''. Remember to click 'Save' afterwards.

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DanDomain Classic (Webshop8)

Step 1b: Log in and go to 'Shop settings'

You will find it by clicking 'Settings' and then 'Shop Settings'.

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Step 2b: Go to 'Tracking and Feeds'

You will find the link in the middle of the page.

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Step 3b: Insert new settings

Under 'Tracking' you find the section 'Alternative analytics URL' where you will write ''. Remember to click 'Save' afterwards.

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